Post Date: May 20, 2021

SSCW Happy Valley Rd. Progress!!!

You will see AP Global making great progress on Happy Valley Rd in Phoenix!!  After getting the ground prepared Super Star Car Wash got their slab poured, walls are going up and we are on to the next phase of the project!

Super Star Express Exterior Wash will have top of the line tunnels and when exiting the tunnel the experience isn’t over; there will be Free Covered Vacuums, Microfiber Towels and High Pressure Air Hoses at every stall. 


AP Globals management team is working closely with everyone involved and is always making sure that the work being done is efficient and effective!


We are committed to building quality products that rise above the competition and exceed the expectations of our clients. AP Global will be right there with you from the start of your project to the end! Please follow our Facebook Page at AP Global | Facebook for continued updates on all current and future projects.

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